Amber Pressley | Volunteer, Radiologic Technologist, Athlete

January 12 2020

Amber Pressley | Volunteer, Radiologic Technologist, Athlete

Amber Pressley | Volunteer, Radiologic Technologist, Athlete

Meet Amber!  When she's not hustlin' hard for Sweat Society, you can find her volunteering for Search and Rescue or lifting heavy things above her head.  Read how her career as a Medical Radiologic Technologist has taught her to value all that life has to offer and how CrossFit and Weightlifting have left a positive impact on her life.

Sweat Society Amber Pressley CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting

Top: Sweat Society Jess Muscle Tank // Leggings: Inner Fire Sacred Elephant

How and when did you start getting into Crossfit and Olympic Weightlifting?

I got into CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting in 2017, My Good friend John asked me to come to a class at Frontier Performance because he thought I would really enjoy weightlifting, my goals at the time were to become a stronger athlete as I have dreams of becoming a firefighter. I had always heard about the "Kool-aid" drinking crazy fit athletes that never wear clothes, but never took the time to actually take a class. I went and took a class, nearly died and thought sure I can get behind this ... I was hooked.

What positive impacts have they had on your life?

CrossFit has done so much more than make me a better, stronger athlete. It taught me so much about myself. It has improved my self confidence, and taught me how strong my mind is as well as my muscles. Olympic Weightlifting (my true love) taught me discipline, dedication and that heaving weight above your head can be super sexy. Another positive impact has been the amazing community I have gotten to meet. There are SO MANY amazing people I've met that have inspired me, supported me and become life long friends.

Sweat Society Amber Pressley Calgary Volunteer CrossFit

We know that you volunteer for Search & Rescue! Can you tell us a bit about your experiences with that?

I've always felt the need/want to give back to my community. Search and Rescue is volunteer organization that not only searches and rescues, but gets involved in many layers of the community, it has created a new adventure for me learning things like lost people behavior, tracking and even how to properly use a map and compass. My biggest take away from giving back to my community tends to be that I get back in positive experience, as much as I put in.

We are so happy to have you on the Sweat Society team as well! What values do you love most about working for a small business?

What I value most about working for Sweat Society is the heart, care and thought that Stephanie puts into the company. I love the community that supports Sweat Society and that it is an ethical and local business. I originally wanted to work for Sweat Society because I had sustained a bad injury which took me away from CrossFit, and I wanted to stay connected to the community even though I couldn't work out. It has turned into so much more, from new friendships, meeting other amazing people in small businesses, expanding my knowledge in business, all while wearing the best athletic wear out there. I couldn't ask for a better side job.

Sweat Society Amber Pressley CrossFit Calgary Fitness Ethical Activewear

Top: Sweat Society Emiy Crop Tank // Leggings: NoMiNoU Salmon Run

And on top of Search & Rescue and Sweat Society, your career is actually in Alberta Health Services (AHS)! As a Medical Radiologic Technologist and seeing what you see everyday, what has been your biggest take away?

I have learned the better you take care of yourself the better your body heals, and it is 100% your own responsibility to take care of you. But mostly and even though it is often watered down or even cliché these days, I take away from my job that life is short!! No one is immune to getting sick, no one knows when their last day is. Life is short, so live it. There is a fragile balance in our human bodies and even though something traumatic can happen in an instance to us, I have seen how incredible the human body fights and how resilient we can be.

Who inspires you?

Strong people inspire me. Yes super strong athletes inspire me, but it’s the people that have been through hard spots and tough times, and still manage to turn the experiences into a way to make a comeback. The strive to stay positive, uplifting and kind. I want to be like these people and I want to surround myself with them as well.

Sweat Society Amber Pressley CrossFit Calgary Fitness Ethical Activewear

Top: Good HYOUman Zuri - Limitless 
What are your goals this year? Personal, Work, Growth, etc.?

My Goals are to keep rehabbing my injury and become the best new version athlete I can. I want to say "yes" more to the things and people that ignite my soul, and learn to say "no" more, without feeling guilty to the things that don't propel me forward to achieving my goals. I want to work hard on all aspects of health this year not just the physical, last year my injury to the front line and this year I am focused on all aspects of well-being, mental, spiritual, emotional and physical. With work I hope to keep showing up as a positive member of both jobs I have and keep working towards becoming a firefighter. Growth wise I want to be able to say I add value in all aspects of my life, work, and relationships.

Sweat Society Amber Pressley CrossFit Calgary Fitness Ethical Activewear

Top: Sweat Society Canada Crewneck 

Photographer: Mikey Stevenson Photos